5 Great Tools for Any Digital Marketer

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Professional marketer, web administrators, agencies and entrepreneurs have a wide range of options when it comes to sourcing marketing tools. The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, with new players emerging constantly and trends shifting unexpectedly.

Get the most out of your marketing budget with this list of five great digital marketing tools: There’s an old saying that goes “Don’t’ reinvent the wheel”. If a successful model exists for what you want to do, why not simply adapt the model to your needs? SEMrush was designed with this maxim in mind. Catering to marketing professionals, gurus, and enterprises of varying sizes, SEMrush offers users a suite of digital tools for researching and analyzing ad trends relative to your industry. Comprehensive analytics reports help you understand competitor models and strategies for display ads, links, organic and paid search. You can also perform a site audit to evaluate the effectiveness of your keywords, backlinks and social media profiles. You’ll gain insight into the keywords and ad strategies that are working for the top 10 competitors in your field so you can improve your ranking. Use these insights to improve your ad positioning, refine your value-proposition, identify your target market, and craft better ad copy that generates higher click-through’s. They offer a monthly or yearly subscription from $100 – $400USD. So you have a budget in mind for your ad spend, but where exactly do you invest that money to yield the highest ROI? Should you buy Facebook ads or would Youtube be more effective? Where are your competitors advertising their services and products? If you’re looking to source the most effective marketing channels for your brand, gives you the insight and the tools to plan and execute your ad campaign with as little waste as possible. draws its marketing intelligence from thousands of publishers in your industry or region, crawling the pages of your competitors daily to extract helpful details that can help you create more effective brand messaging. With global coverage and intelligence refreshed daily, you can not only be more proactive about your marketing spend, you’ll also discover new traffic sources and SEO ideas for growing your brand awareness online. Monthly packages range from $175 to $329USD, but there’s also a 3-day trial for only $1 USD. What if you could identify the most promising online leads, not just in your local region but across the globe? Imagine sourcing prospective clients already making use of the technologies you offer? has been tracking technology trends online since 2008 to help you build a comprehensive leads list for yourself or your sales team. uncovers the most promising leads online based on your keywords. Using sophisticate API tools, BuiltWith accesses the XML and JSON data of over 130 million prospective websites to gain insight into a website’s current technology use and estimated spend. Find out how much your prospect spends on their technology infrastructure and identify the key decision-makers within the organization. Learn about your prospects from the inside out before you approach them, so you can deliver the most effective message to the decision-makers who pull the strings on budgets and acquisitions. Basic monthly plans start at $295 USD. Google’s Penguin 4.0 is designed to crawl web pages for faulty backlinks. Faulty backlinks can reduce your website’s ranking. They can also be hard to keep track of, particularly if you maintain a blog or have a lot of archived content. allows you to track, assess, and manage the growth of your backlinks to improve your links organically using a range of tools (Site Explorer, Position Explorer, Position Tracker, Crawl Report). You can use Ahrefs to identify inbound competitor links and identify the best links for your business. crawls your entire website content to analyze your backlinks, but it also crawls the web to identify backlinks to your website across the internet. Helpful alerts are programmed to keep you informed of any online citations of your business so you can maintain the integrity of your backlinks with ease. Annual plans are available at a discount rate, but monthly billing is also an option, ranging between $100USD and $1000USD.

Wayback Machine: Internet content ages quickly. Pages are constantly updated and altered, but rarely archived, at least until now. Wayback Machine promises to be the most comprehensive internet archive to date, with archived content dating as far back as 1996. It is a non-profit, digital public library, offering users unprecedented access to historical software applications, websites, multimedia, and nearly 3 million public domain books. Users can upload their own content to the archive, but much of its vast digital library (over 150 billion web captures) is gathered by its web crawlers. One of their features, Archive-It, is a web-based subscription service that allows individuals and organizations to build and capture digital archives of their own. If you’re looking to make your blog content more accessible, or you produce culturally-relevant content, Archive-It offers a great way for you to share that content more broadly to users seeking information. While these users may not be interested in purchasing your latest digital print or pottery, the increased brand awareness and recognition could lead to more online sharing and ultimately, more sales!

Paul Teitelman is an established SEO expert that offers businesses in Toronto the best SEO advice, tips and guidance for improving your site’s ranking. Contact Paul today to book your SEO consultation!

About the Author

Paul Teitelman - SEO Consultant

Paul is a well-respected Canadian SEO consultant and link-building expert with over 15 years of experience helping hundreds of companies rank for competitive keywords on Google. He is a Toronto-based SEO consultant who is passionate about search engine optimization and link building. Over the years, he has made a reputation for himself as a leader in the industry by consistently delivering phenomenal results to his growing client base.