Great Post Exposing the Myths about SEO

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Another great post that is a must read for all business owners who have either invested in SEO at some point or are considering investing into SEO.

Check out the full post here:

I’ve always preached that:

  • You can’t go too aggressive with anchor text optimization > back in the day (pre Penguin) anchor text optimization was THE way to get ahead on the SERP’s, but now you can easily do more harm than good if your backlink profile is over optimized. It’s the easiest way for Google to detect an unnatural link pattern/behaviour if most of your backlinks are for exact match keywords (even if you vary them). The majority of your backlinks should focus on your Brand!

  • CONTENT IS STILL KING > specifically fresh content is necessary in order to succeed on today’s constantly changing search engines. I’m still shocked when I have to convince a client to add a blog and start writing fresh content at least 2-3/month at the very minimum!

  • SEO TAKES TIME > slow and steady wins the race. Just because you got excited about SEO doesn’t mean you can aggressively start building lots of backlinks. Link velocity here people! (check my blogposts from 2-3 years ago nothing has changed here but people still don’t get it!)

  • Focus on your brand and social signals > make sure you have a decent presence on the main social media sites and be sure to share your blog content across them. Post relevant content that users/customers/fans will find interesting and informative, don’t just shove promotions or irrelevant content down their throats as it won’t work!

  • Backlinks are still and ALWAYS will be necessary > Even if you were to post 30 times a month and have great social signals, you aren’t going to rank on the first page for seriously competitive keywords. Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to building strong backlinks to promote your site.

It’s all about having a unified front when it comes to succeeding on the search engines. You need a mix of great fresh content, on page optimization, social signals and solid backlinking focusing on promoting your brand/URL and not exact match keywords.

About the Author

Paul Teitelman - SEO Consultant

Paul is a well-respected Canadian SEO consultant and link-building expert with over 15 years of experience helping hundreds of companies rank for competitive keywords on Google. He is a Toronto-based SEO consultant who is passionate about search engine optimization and link building. Over the years, he has made a reputation for himself as a leader in the industry by consistently delivering phenomenal results to his growing client base.