New Website Finally Launched!

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Very proud to announce that the new website officially launched on October 27, 2016. Really was a long time coming as the site was extremely outdated both visually and in terms of optimization, not close to being mobile-friendly and had slowly dissipated in the search engine rankings that I once dominated; simply because I was too busy with current clients. The launch date was also very significant for me as October 2016 officially marked my 5th year in business as a freelance SEO expert and consultant. To top that all off, we actually hit a record level of clients/campaigns in the same month, so just wanted to take a bit of a personal reflection on one of the best and most significant months in business to date!

Over the past 5 years I don’t think I could have ever imagined that all of my biggest professional dreams would come true. Taking an estimated risk and starting my own company was one of, if not, the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. At the time I knew there may be some small hiccups over the first few months of freelancing, but to my surprise (and still to this very day) year over year the business continues to grow. Really is a reflection of all the hard work that not only myself, but my growing team continues to execute on each and every day. I truly believe we are one of the most tight knit, hardest working SEO teams in the world. Our results speak for themselves as we have been able to help hundreds of local businesses and major brands thrive online through their organic search engine rankings.

As you accomplish one dream and realize specific business targets, one is challenged with the extremely exciting task of setting new dreams and professional goals. Over the next calendar year there will be some major developments above and beyond just as I plan on launching a full scale SEO agency alongside my brother and best friend Rob, my SEO apprentice who has grown into an SEO expert on all his own over the past few years working as my right hand man running the business. We are the SEO BROS and we have BIG plans – stay tuned for more developments to come in early 2017 on this one.


I truly feel blessed and am extremely grateful for my career path and all the people who have encouraged me and supported me in my journey of self development. Colleagues, co-workers, mentors, friends, family members, strategic business relationships/partnerships and especially my growing list of clients – every relationship has meant the world to me and just wanted to thank everyone for that.

There has never been a more opportunistic time for the SEO industry, with the launch of Google Algorithm Update: Penguin 4.0 the SEO playing field has never been more logical and sensical. Killer keyword-rich content, mobile friendly websites, hyper-local link building efforts; SEO strategies need to co-exist with proper marketing channels in a unified effort to grow your online presence and authority. Every marketing executive and business owner knows the importance of being found online, and each one of these key decision makers appreciates the difficult task of getting to the top of the first page of Google and maintaining that dominant positioning.

So that’s that really, just wanted to announce that the new site is live and take a moment to reflect on the first 5 years in business as a freelance SEO expert here in Toronto. Beyond excited for the next 5 years…….


About the Author

Paul Teitelman - SEO Consultant

Paul is a well-respected Canadian SEO consultant and link-building expert with over 15 years of experience helping hundreds of companies rank for competitive keywords on Google. He is a Toronto-based SEO consultant who is passionate about search engine optimization and link building. Over the years, he has made a reputation for himself as a leader in the industry by consistently delivering phenomenal results to his growing client base.